By Andy Wulff
June 9, 2023
After World War 2, Eisenhower sat with the Russians to review the victory. There was something that had captured their imaginations. Something had amazed them, and they needed to know more. It wasn’t battlefield tactics or the technological advancements that they wanted to know about. What did they inquire about? “It was,” Eisenhower wrote in Crusade in Europe, “to explain the supply arrangements that enabled us to make the great sweep out of our constricted beachhead in Normandy to cover, in one rush, all of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, up to the very borders of Germany. I had to describe to them our systems of railway repairs and construction, truckage, evacuation, and supply by air. They suggested that of all the spectacular feats of the war, including their own, the Allied success in the supply of the pursuit across France would go down in history as the most astonishing.” A soldier without a consistent supply of needed equipment is ineffective and likely will lose the war. It's been that way throughout history as well as it is in the Christian life. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. - Ephesians 6:13 (ESV)