Basic Beliefs

When you start attending the youth group, you will be studying the book "Christian Beliefs" by Wayne Grudem. In addition to a reading assignment each week, each student will be given a workbook to complete.


  • Week 1 -What is the Bible?Week 2 -What is God Like?Week 3 -What is the Trinity?Week 4 -What is Creation?
  • Week 5 -What is Prayer?Week 6 -What are Angels, Satan, & Demons?Week 7 -What is Man?
  • What is Sin?Week 8 -Who is Christ?Week 9 -What is Atonement?
  • What is the Resurrection?Week 10 -What is Election?
  • What Does It Mean to Become a Christian?Week 11 -What are Justification & Adopton?
  • What are Sanctification & Perseverance?
  • What is Death?Week 12 -What is the Church?Week 13 -What will Happen When Christ Returns?
  • What is the Final Judgement?
  • What is Heaven?


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