EFCA's Crisis Response Ministry
Kevin and Babette Watterson along with their children, Kendra and Logan, serve with EFCA's Crisis Response ministry, Touch Global. Kevin was the owner of a small heating and air conditioning company up until May of 2006 when God called him to sell his business, opening the way for him and his family to become full time missionaries. Kevin and his family have been serving with Crisis Response/Touch Global since February of 2007 as short term missionaries, and have recently switched their status to long-term. They relocated from Pennsylvania to Louisiana in July 2011. One of the guiding principles of Touch Global is the belief that in the wake of every crisis lies an opportunity for ministry. Touch Global exists to "Show the Love of Christ to those in need" by meeting the physical, emotional and relational needs of people with the intention of sharing the good news of the gospel of Christ as the other needs are met. Cutting trees, cleaning up debris, gutting houses and helping in the rebuilding effort after disasters provides the opportunity for non-believers to see Christians in action, and leads to questions about why we do what we do and builds the credibility needed for people to listen when we talk about Jesus, and the hope we have in him. Wanna learn more? Check out
Contact them at:
901 East 78 Street
Abita Springs, LA 70420